API Reference

TODO: Document PyJWS / PyJWT classes


class jwt.exceptions.InvalidTokenError

Base exception when decode() fails on a token

class jwt.exceptions.DecodeError

Raised when a token cannot be decoded because it failed validation

class jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError

Raised when a token’s signature doesn’t match the one provided as part of the token.

class jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError

Raised when a token’s exp claim indicates that it has expired

class jwt.exceptions.InvalidAudienceError

Raised when a token’s aud claim does not match one of the expected audience values

class jwt.exceptions.InvalidIssuerError

Raised when a token’s iss claim does not match the expected issuer

class jwt.exceptions.InvalidIssuedAtError

Raised when a token’s iat claim is in the future

class jwt.exceptions.ImmatureSignatureError

Raised when a token’s nbf claim represents a time in the future

class jwt.exceptions.InvalidKeyError

Raised when the specified key is not in the proper format

class jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError

Raised when the specified algorithm is not recognized by PyJWT

class jwt.exceptions.MissingRequiredClaimError

Raised when a claim that is required to be present is not contained in the claimset